Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

Discuss SGRT for stereotactic body radiation therapy, including breath hold techniques.
By atai1
Hi, I would like to ask a question about the need of redoing CBCT during DIBH delivery of liver SBRT.

when treating left breast patients with DIBH sometimes we may need to make a slight adjustment along longitudinal and/or lateral in order to coach patient into the desired DIBH position. In some situations one may need to readjust patient position at free breathing first then check DIBH again. Those operations are acceptable for breast pt because the surface position is directly correlated with the tumor position.
However, for treating other sites like abdomens and lung, doing so would override the patient position based on IGRT.
I wonder how your hospitals are doing in this situation. What tolerance may you allow to make table adjustment based on Alighrt before another IGRT is needed?
By joshua_naylor
my feeling is that as long as you have done a CBCT, and reference captured at that moment you don't need to repeat the CBCT. I suppose if the move was v large then you may wish to - whether you have SGRT Or not
