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Discuss best practices and workflow advice for Surface Guided Radiation Therapy on all treatment sites.
By SGRT Community United Kingdom flag
SGRTuesdays - Monthly Forum.jpg
SGRTuesdays - Monthly Forum.jpg (58.34 KiB) Viewed 12167 times

This forum post is linked to our recent SGRTuesdays webinar series, which runs monthly on the last Tuesday of each month. Each session covers essential knowledge, research, and practical tips to enhance precision in radiotherapy treatments.

Please feel free to use this thread to ask any questions you might have for our speakers. (You do not need to have attended the webinar to post)
By Matthew Williams United Kingdom flag
I was interested to hear about the DIBH issue mentioned in the second presentation from Waterford, with greater vert displacement inferiorly at the position of monitoring at CT, but very small displacement at the level of the breast. We've recently encountered a similar issue a couple of times, and it is challenging.
A solution of removing the visual aid was mentioned, I'd like to understand this a little better - were operators just visualising monitoring the surface for agreement? (as opposed to the numerical readout). Did you consider using a different ROI as an alternative?
Matthew Williams,
Clinical Scientist,
Velindre Cancer Service, Cardiff