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Discuss best practices and workflow advice for Surface Guided Radiation Therapy on all treatment sites.
By daniel_vetterli
Hi Becky,

No, these data are not published but I can provide our data, just send me an email. I am aware that people always look for these comparison between skin mark and surface guidance to get a justification. But once again, for me this is not the one and only justification. Surface guidance will give you more than maybe better initial positioning accuracy. Your patients will appreciate a lot if they are not bothered by skin marks/tattoos anymore! Your RTTs will be happy if they don't have to apply these marks and take care of them during treatment. This will safe time! And you will be able to check proper position during treatment.

By olga_kitsou

I have enjoyed the discussion about eliminating tattoos. My understanding is departments that are markerless do daily ConeBeam CT (CBCT) or kV imaging for geometric verification and correction.

We would like to go tattoo-less for breast patients. We are currently treat the majority of our breast patients (without nodal involvement) with tangential fields (whole-breast) and do MV portal imaging (first 5 fractions and then weekly if imaging is good).

With MV imaging we check Central Lung Distance (cm), Anterior Coverage (cm) and inferior Coverage (cm) and compare with DRR values.

Is it possible to get these values from ALignRT in order to compare if there is agreement between the deltas from ALignRT and our imaging system?

Many thanks

By daniel_vetterli
Hello Olga

no, you cannot get these data from AlignRT as it is not possible to look into the body. It is a purely surface based method. You can do both for a while with the tattoos still on until you are confident, what will happen soon. Then AlignRT and MV imaging is fine as with MV-imaging you don't add extra dose.
