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Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:38 pm
by serpil_wilson_ms_dabr
We do use open mask without a bite block for our SRS cases.  There are some open masks with built in bite blocks in the market.   Does anyone have experience with them? or any opinion?

My personal opinion:  AlignRT works great with biteless openmask.  We did not have any issues so far as since patients are well educated during their consult and sim about AlignRt and SRS.


Re: OpenMask-SRS

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:31 pm
by michael_tallhamer_msc_dabr

We have used both types and both work well. We use the Orfit 3-point openface masks for almost 95% of our SRS cases ranging from simple mets to trigem cases and really really like them. We have a site using the Q-fix masks with the "bite-stick" (or whatever you call it) that you stick into their mouth through the mask material and that seems to work really well. The concept is interesting so we have tried just this week to make a bite stick for some of our standard 5-point closed face Orfit H&N masks which usually perform really well without it to see if that adds anything to the setup consistency over time on some of the patients we know are going to loose alot of weight during xrt (we will see). I'm not sure how much it buys you with or without the bite-stick over the standard open face as we really haven't seen a need for it on our openface mask patients (more so closed face masks where the cameras can't help compensate)

Best Regards,


Re: OpenMask-SRS

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:12 am
by Guest
The CDR open mask system is highly recomeded.

Re: OpenMask-SRS

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:47 am
by Guest
The post on May 7 at 9.12am was made during ESTRO when I was logged into one of the terminals on the Vision RT booth.  It was not posted by me and I have no experience with this vendor's open mask.

Vision RT do not make specific recommendations regarding which masks to use, which are good and which are not. We are completely vendor neutral so please ignore this 'recommendation'.  However, we do run validation tests with various mask vendors to ensure that their open masks allow us to track accurately.  A list of validated masks can be obtained by contacting Vision RT directly.

Re: OpenMask-SRS

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:30 am
by vingerhoedwim

here's the trick we used to deter wich mask was most suited for us. We invited multiple firms with their open face mask on site and made test version on the same person with supervision of the firm application specialist (multiple test cases, several different persons with each mask on each person). after we placed the persons with their mask on and made a direct capture. Than we asked the persons to move as much as possible with align rt (OSMS) tracking their motions. The mask wich made the best impression got the deal. We are still quit happy with our masks.