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DIBH Tangent and 4 Field Filming Protocols

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:27 pm
by brett_thomas
Just wondering what everyone's filming protocols are for DIBH. How often are you filming and what images are you taking?

Re: DIBH Tangent and 4 Field Filming Protocols

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:27 am
by deirdre
Tangents (+/- Bolus) - Med & Lat MV images #1-3 then weekly

Tans + SCF - Med & Lat MV images + KV SCF  #1-3 then weekly

IMRT plans with IMC  - daily CBCTwith weelky multiscan (Varian TB)

Photon Boosts - Daily CBCT

Breast plans on FF protocol (5#s) Daily online CBCT

Re: DIBH Tangent and 4 Field Filming Protocols

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:41 am
by marie_coffey
Imaging daily for all cases

2-field tangents MV before and during

3- field Ant KV (apply long and lateral shifts) + tangent MV (apply vertical shift only), if SCF is consistently off- CBCT is taken for dose calculation and assess if rescan +/-replan required.

Re: DIBH Tangent and 4 Field Filming Protocols

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:33 am
by carol_mcgibney

may I ask what techniques are used for planning DIBH?

ctim in breathhold using gate CT or RPM system or simply voluntary behold like in heartspare?