Hi Nicola
AlignRT gives us lots of information for offline evaluation as well.
Here I list some of those from the perspective of rtt.
1. Evaluation of baseline drift and breathing motion of the surface on the chest.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 1621000622
This is what we have done together with rtt students, with the great support of physicists, some years ago for our own purposes here in Tampere to optimize the AlignRT delta thresholds.
2. Intrafractional accuracy evaluation.
https://aapm.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/do ... acm2.14271
3. In addition to evaluation of the setup errors, the evaluation of duration of setup and treatment time.
https://aapm.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/do ... acm2.13241
4. Evaluation of the discrapancy of the setup errors between CBCT and AlignRT
https://aapm.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/do ... acm2.13357
5. Comparison of the accuracy of the AlignRT ROIs
https://aapm.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/do ... acm2.13410
This is as well what we have done here in Tampere.
For this study we did our setup with three different ROIs, every third day with the same kind of ROI though. Then the AlignRT deltas were recorded daily, with the ROI used, after image guided couch shifts to find the best ROI. This was published:
What was not published but was done at the same time with this study, was that we monitored for some seconds all three ROIs on the monitor after image guidance and offline evaluated from the Alignrt data the delta shifts of those all three ROIs daily, keeping the online matched kV/kV images as a reference (CBCT data would have been more reliable and encompassing). However, this AlignRT data gave us support for the published result, where we positioned the patient with three different ROIs as mentioned.
Please, somebody do the pelvis ROI comparison.
Our great physicist has always when needed done some kind of script to the AlignRT big data for the evaluation, such that it picks the code we want to get from the system. Do not ask me how

This is a knowledge that some physicists or VisionRT experts can give to you, I suppose. All you need is a good topic and a plan to research, lots of data will be available in Aria and in AlignRT database.
Finally some articles to this topic:
https://www.redjournal.org/article/S036 ... X/fulltext
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 4020308161
Best regards Marko