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Discuss best practices and workflow advice for Surface Guided Radiation Therapy on all treatment sites.
By SGRT Community United Kingdom flag
SGRT Europe Forum (1).png
SGRT Europe Forum (1).png (255.53 KiB) Viewed 8491 times
Please feel free to use this thread to ask any questions you might have for our speakers.

Questions from the event:
  • Are you able to facilitate a replan within 24 hours during a patient’s treatment course when you notice an issue using DoseRT? How frequently is this happening?
  • Are your staff turning off machine during a fraction when they notice there is an error?
By joshua_naylor
Are your staff turning off machine during a fraction when they notice there is an error?
we use the auto beam hold feature, so the radiation automatically ceases (no staff input) approximately 100-200 ms after the patient moves and tolerance for motion is exceeded (for example 3mm translation or 3 deg rotation from reference surface - site specific tolerances [aka Real Time Deltas] are set)

i hope i interpreted the question correctly!