SGRT Bitesize Course on Head & Neck
This course features clinical experts sharing their experiences of implementing open-face mask and maskless treatments for Head and Neck Cancer cases.
Session 1: SGRT: value and implementation for head and neck treatments
Daniel W Bailey, Medical Physicist, Northside Hospital Cancer Institute
Session 2: Introducing AlignRT for head and neck IMRT treatments
Samantha Ryan, Radiation Therapy Research Fellow and Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist, St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network, Ireland
Session 3: Comparison of patients treated with conventional head and neck mask versus open mask using SGRT setup.
Ragul T, Medical Physicist, Kalyan Singh Super Specialty Cancer Institue, Lucknow, India
Session 4: Our experience at Lincoln County Hospital
Jacob Curran, IGRT Specialist Radiographer, Lincoln County Hospital, UK
Session 5: Unmasking Radiotherapy
Zeb Carvalho, Radiation Therapist, LaTrobe Regional Hospital, Australia
Session 6: The feasibility of maskless radiation therapy for head and neck cancer by using surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT)
Abbey Adams. Radiation Therapy Treatment Unit Leader, Genesis Care North Shore/Mater, Australia
Session 7: Use of MapRT to optimize noncoplanar planning for head and neck patients
Helen Convery, Senior Dosimetrist (Development and Clinical Trials), Raigmore Hospital Inverness, UK
Session 8: Data-Driven H&N treatments
Mike Tallhamer, Chief Physicist, AdventHealth, Colorado.
A prospective examination of mask anxiety during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer and patient perceptions of management strategies
Jodie L. Nixon, BAppSc (OccThy), 1 , 2 Bena Brown, BSpPath (Hons), PhD, 2 , 3 , 4 Amanda E. Pigott, BOccThy, PhD, 1 , 2 Jane Turner, MBBS, PhD, FRANZCP, 5 Elizabeth Brown, PhD, MHealthSc (MRS), BAppSc (MRS), 6 Anne Bernard, PhD, MSc, 7 Laurelie R. Wall, BSpPath (Hons), PhD, 2 , 4 Elizabeth C. Ward, BSpThy (Hons), Grad Cert Ed, PhD, 2 , 4 and Sandro V. Porceddu, MD, FRANZCR 5 , 6
Rose P, Yates P. Quality of life experienced by patients receiving radiation treatment for cancers of the head and neck. Cancer Nurs 2001; 24: 255–63. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
About the event
Mask anxiety has been reported to disrupt the first day of Radiation Therapy for 24% of people(1). It has also been described as one of the worst things about Radiation Therapy(2). With the advent of SGRT there is an alternative to provide a more patient centric approach to Head and Neck treatments. In this course you will you will learn about how to introduce this technique safely into your clinic as well as hear about the benefits for both patients and staff. This is made up of short bitesize videos.
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