SGRTuesdays: A new season for SGRT
This webinar on the benefits of surface guidance for RT planning, clearance mapping and dose visualization has already aired. On-demand webinar is available now.
Featured presenters:
Should Every Center Consider NonCoplanar Treatments?
Kiran A. Kumar, MD, MBA
Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Chief of Lymphoma and Pediatrics Radiation Oncology Services
SGRT in Treatment Planning: Surface Guided Clearance Mapping
David Parsons, PhD, DABR
Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center
Monitoring Beam and Position with Cherenkov Imaging
David Gladstone, ScD, DABMP, FAAPM
Chief of Clinical Physics, Dartmouth Cancer Center.
About the event
Thank you for your interest in this webinar. On-demand webinar is available now.
Click here to access our forum post for this event.
This forum post will be active for two weeks, during which our speakers will answer your questions. Feel free to post any related questions there, even if you missed the live webinar.
SGRT is a technology that, like the seasons, is always advancing and changing.
To help you keep up, we’ve put together this one-off bonus edition of our popular SGRTuesdays webinar series, featuring three prominent and highly experienced users sharing their cutting-edge knowledge of how SGRT can benefit planning, clearance mapping and dose visualization.