SGRTuesdays – March 2025
Tuesday, 25 March, 2025 (3 pm GMT | 11 am ET)
CE Credit(s):

Thinking outside the box with SGRT
We’re pleased to announce the March 2025 SGRTuesday webinar. Our topic is Thinking outside the box with SGRT and we have three compelling speakers discussing new implementations of Surface Guided Radiation Therapy.
Are you looking to implement SGRT across a wider demographic of patient indications? If so, this webinar is a must-see. Learn why SGRT is useful to every patient that undergoes Radiation therapy. In this webinar you’ll hear about its use in thorax, palliative and TBI cases. The agenda is below.
Also, if you’re interested in new innovations in SGRT, when you register, look for the opportunity to sign up for a live virtual demo of MapRT for the next day – March 26th.
MapRT uses SGRT to create a “clearance map” during RT planning, making treatments fast, easy and safe, especially for non-coplanar VMAT plans.
Tuesday, 25 March, 2025 (3 pm GMT | 11 am ET)
Clinical Benefits of the Use of Surface Guided Radiotherapy for Palliative Radiotherapy
Lisa Laws, Principal Therapeutic Radiographer, Rosemere Cancer Centre, UK
The Impact of the Use of the SGRT Technique on the Total Body Irradiation Procedure Based on Own Experience
Agnieszka Skrobala, Medical Physicist, Greater Poland Cencer Centre
Analysis of Applied CBCT Shifts in Radical Thorax Radiotherapy: A Comparative Study of Tattoo vs SGRT Setups Using CBCT Imaging
Georgia Burford, Specialist Practice Therapeutic Radiographer, Somerset Foundation Trust, UK
About the event
SGRTuesdays are a series of monthly webinars on Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT).
This is a chance for you to fit regular SGRT learning sessions into your busy schedule, on the last Tuesday of each month.
Each webinar is entirely free to attend and features CE credits* and a live Q&A session with the presenters at the end of each session.
*CE credits are pending for this event. Please check back on this page for more information.
Vision RT is proud to be the financial sponsor, administrator and editor of the SGRT Community. Users and potential users of all SGRT systems can join the community, attend events and post messages on our forum. Clinical content is provided by users of SGRT and their views, workflows, clinical results etc are not endorsed or validated by Vision RT.