SGRTuesdays – Part 3 On-demand
On-demand webinar
The latest round of SGRTuesdays webinars has been completed. Videos are available on-demand.
- Validating the Accuracy, Value, and Investment in SGRT
Daniel W Bailey, PhD, DABR, Director of Physics and Dosimetry, Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute, USA
__ - How To Go Live with Tattoo and Mark-Free Treatments
Lydia Kedziorek, Principal Treatment Superintendent, Royal Derby Hospital, England
This session has been approved for 0.5 MDCB CE credits
This session has been approved for 0.5 ASRT CE credits
- Commissioning of a Surface Guided Radiotherapy System
Sarah Leonard, Medical Physicist, Bon Secours Radiotherapy Cork in Partnership with UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre, Ireland
- We Can See Clearly Now: Implementation of Surface Guided Radiation Therapy
Karen McGoldrick, Clinical Lead Radiation Therapist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre -Moorabbin Campus, Australia
This session has been approved for 0.5 MDCB CE credits
This session has been approved for 0.5 ASRT CE credits
- One Clinic With Two Different Systems, and Our Journey Forward with One!
Wendy J. Tisue MBA, RT (R)(T), Proton Team Lead Therapist, Mayo Clinic, Arizona, USA
__ - Initial Use of a new SGRT planning product – Lung SABR Case With Unusual Setup
Helen Convery, Senior Dosimetrist (Development and Clinical Trials), Raigmore Hospital, Scotland
This session is approved for 0.5 MDCB CE credit
This session is approved for 0.5 ASRT CE credit
- Detection of the Most Representative Skin Segment Surrogates for Movement of Lower Lung Lobe Lesions Based on 4DCT
Vanda Leipold, Medical Physicist, Special Hospital Radiochirurgia, Zagreb, Croatia
- SurVolT: Surface to Volume Conversion Tool. A Proof of Concept
Veronica Sorgato, PhD, Medical Physicist, Institut Daniel Hollard. Clinique Mutualiste de Grenoble, Groupe AVEC, France
- Impact of Using SGRT on Treatment Accuracy Based on Transit in Vivo Dosimetry Results
Nagore Garcia Apellaniz, Medical Physicist at Hospital de la Santa Creu, Sant Pau, Spain
This session has applied for 0.5 MDCB CE credit
This session is approved for 0.5 ASRT CE credit
About the event
The latest round of SGRTuesdays webinars has been completed. Videos are available on-demand.
- Understand the fundamental benefits offered by SGRT, and learn how to get started with this technology in your clinic
- Find out what successful implementation of SGRT looks like, through case studies of clinical workflows from practitioners across the world
- Learn how to expand clinical utilization of SGRT and realise the potential for this technology across multiple treatment sites, including DIBH, SRS and SBRT, as well as delivering tattoo and mark free radiotherapy
- Understand how SGRT can deliver more value for radiation therapy patients and enhance the safety and accuracy of their treatment, including during the planning phase
- Find out what’s next in radiation therapy, and how this technology will be used in the future
- Learn about how to introduce tattoo and mark-free workflows with the go-live of an SGRT
- Understand the methodology and processes used to safely commission an SGRT system
- Hear about different clinical research applications that can be realized with the introduction of SGRT
Vision RT is proud to be the financial sponsor, administrator and editor of the SGRT Community. Users and potential users of all SGRT systems can join the community, attend events and post messages on our forum. Clinical content is provided by users of SGRT and their views, workflows, clinical results etc are not endorsed or validated by Vision RT.
*CE credits pending. More information will be posted on this page shortly.