Changing Face of Radiotherapy: Why We Made the Switch to SGRT (on-demand webinar)
July 8, 2021
The SGRT Community hosted a free webinar where radiation oncology experts shared presentations highlighting the value of SGRT across multiple indications.
At the end of this webinar, you will be provided with an understanding of:
- The benefits of SGRT to your practice for multiple treatment indications.
- How SGRT can be implemented across multiple linacs and departments.
- The benefits of SGRT for patient setup and the importance of patient monitoring during treatments.
- How SGRT enables tattoo and mark-free setups and the clinical benefits this brings.
- Common challenges in radiotherapy setups and how SGRT can improve the workflow
- The clinical benefits of switching to SGRT from other respiratory motion management systems.
Vision RT is proud to be the main financial sponsor, administrator and editor of the SGRT Community. Users and potential users of all SGRT systems can join the community, attend events and post messages on our forum. Clinical content is provided by users of SGRT and their views, workflows, clinical results etc are not endorsed or validated by Vision RT.
About the event
Chin Hwa Chan, B.App Sc. MRS(RT), M.Hlth. Sc.(MRS) , Radiation Therapist Supervisor, Prince of Wales Hospital, Australia
SGRT Implementation at POW; From Spirometry to SGRT
Marie Coffey, BSc (Hons) Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist Beacon Hospital, Dublin
Enabling Safer and Complex Treatments With SGRT
Erica Smith, BS, RT(R)(T)(CT), Chief Radiation Therapist UMass Memorial Health
The Implementation and Expansion of an SGRT Program: An Evidence-Based Approach
Radiation therapy is a constantly changing and evolving field, making it crucial that clinicians learn from each other. Many practices have recently made the switch to Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) because of its advantages for accuracy, patient comfort, and workflow.