Video Library
In our video library, you’ll find experts sharing their experience on SGRT. Use the category filter or the search bar to find the videos you are interested in.

Comparison of patients treated with conventional head and neck mask versus open mask using SGRT setup
Ragul T
Medical Physicist
Kalyan Singh Super Specialty Cancer Institue, Lucknow, India
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Patient-specific bolus positioning with AlignRT
Laurence Delombaerde, PhD
Medical Physicist
University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
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Quantification of beam latency using AlignRT
Philip Yeo
Radiotherapy Engineer
University Hospital Southampton, UK
Rachel Barlow
Deputy Head of Radiotherapy Physics
University Hospital Southampton, UK
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Clinical implementation of tattooless treatment for breast cancer patients using SGRT
Kimm Fremeijer
Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Netherlands
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The feasibility of maskless radiation therapy for head and neck cancer by using surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT)
Abbey Adams
Radiation Therapy Treatment Unit Leader
Genesis Care North Shore/Mater, Australia
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Comparison of SGRT to MV isocentre position for two SGRT systems for use with SRS
Mark Wanklyn
Senior Medical Physics Specialist
GenesisCare NSW, Australia
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Successful implementation of SGRT: patient benefits and staff satisfaction from a radiographer’s perspective
Lisa Laws
Principal Radiographer
Rosemere Cancer Centre, UK
Lisa Telford
Team Lead
Rosemere Cancer Centre, UK
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Improving efficiencies with MapRT
David Parsons, PhD
Associate Director of Medical Physics Residency Program, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, USA
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Feasibility of frameless and maskless stereotactic cerebral radiotherapy with AlignRT InBore guidance on HALCYON v3.0: preliminary results
Daniel Nguyen
Medical Physicist
Orlam Group, France
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